

Dawn in the Foggy Dew
Sequel of Love at Dawn Edith survived the tempest of the Revolution. Just when she believed she would spend her remaining days amidst the mist-shrouded Irish mountains, an unexpected person reappeare
《曙光之恋》的续集 艾迪特从大革命的风暴中得以幸存。就在她以为自己将在这迷雾笼罩的爱尔兰山间安度余生时,一个意想不到的人的出现再一次在她的人生中搅起波澜。当过去的爱情与秘密浮出水面,热情和梦想重新被点燃,她是否还可能在这变革的世界独善其身? 菲欧娜终于从修道院女校毕业,登上了上流社会客厅的大理石台阶。她绝世的美貌和卑下的身世注定了社交界的生活不会如此顺利。当她以为自己天堂般的新生即将开启时,命运
Love at dawn
Main Storyline: “O’Lady Liberty divine! For thee alone, my life I would resign: I beseech all to carve thy name so fair, On my tombstone, for all to stare.” “This is a love poem for me?” Edith couldn