Chapter 1: Lotus in the Rain
ore dyin" y sound rude but yet conveys reat wisdo 母亲听我这么说,就没有再说什么话了,然后我和母亲一起离开了卖包子的地方。可是这一幕我永远都忘记不了,中国有句古言叫做吃了好去赶死,吃了好去赶死,这句话看似粗鲁,可是却含着大学问。 My ther passed away a few days after that incident. Before her death, she wanted to taste a bun and then eat it before she died. But because of "I don''''t want to eat" answer, she left this world without eatin anythin. 因为母亲就在那几天过后就去世了,临终前她想尝下包子,然后吃了包子去死,可是因为我的一句不想吃,她就这样的去了,什么都没吃到,什么都没有就这样一个人离开了人世。