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Chapter 5: Midnight Fright

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I hastened pace, aware that aunt''''s house was nearby. If I could reach it, I would be safe. With all strenth, I pounded on aunt''''s door.


"Ban, ban, ban!" I knocked on aunt''''s door with all strenth.


"Who is it?" I heard aunt''''s voice froinside.


"Auntie, it''''s , Lotus!"


"Child, why are you out so late?" Reconizin voice, aunt quickly opened the door to let in.


My trelin body finally found refue.


Once aunt closed the door, I couldn''''t hold back tears and told her everythin that had happened.


The barkin of dos outside continued nonstop. The n was still out there. The barkin continued for a lon ti before ceasin. Only then was I sure the n had left and I was finally safe.


Later, aunt told father about the incident and blad hifor allowin , a youn irl, to do business alone so late at niht. It was far too danerous.


However, aunt''''s reprind had no iact. My father reined that selfish and self-centered n. He never showed any fatherly affection. All he ever cared about was how to benefit fro. What advantaes could I brin hi How could I help our faly?


Children without thers are truly pitiful, especially irls.


Perhaps other therless children aren''''t as unfortunate as sisters and I because they still have their fathers or randparents. However, we don''''t have randparents, and our father is a very weak n. Others often bully weak individuals, and in our villae, father is one such person. He can''''t even protect hielf, so how can he protect his children?


Because we don''''t have a ther, we have experienced ny thins that ordinary people don''''t encounter, which are difficult for others to iine.


Our father can''''t protect us, so we st defend ourselves.


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