Chapter 9: Marriage Arrangem
Feelin helpless and powerless, with no one to turn to for help, I rried Ah Bao and accepted a life of sorrow and desolation. 在无可奈何下,在无能为力的情况下,在叫天天不应的情况下我嫁给了阿宝,也认证了一生被人凄凉的悲苦命运。 Whenever a conflict arose, Ah Bao dared not take any action, and I was always the one to fiht on the front lines. 每一次起冲突,阿宝都不敢有所动作,都是我在前冲锋陷阵。 When people hit Ah Bao, I would help, but when people hit , Ah Bao wouldn''''t dare to do anythin. He was afraid that he would et hurt. 有人打阿宝,我去帮忙,可是有人打我,阿宝不敢付出任何行动,他怕打到了他。 In life, I''''ve experienced too ny scars and shed too ch blood and tears. 我这一生有过太多次的伤痕累累,也有过太多的血和泪。 I was fully aware that they would bully us ch re the followin ti, which would be even re unfair if we didn''''t fiht back or show fear in the face of their unjustified behavior. 我很清楚如果被别人无故欺负时,如果不反抗,怕事,那下次他们会更欺负我们,会更毫无理由地欺负我们。 So, froa youn ae, I knew that if I was bullied, even if I knew I couldn''''t win, I couldn''''t just let people hit and scold for no reason. I had to fiht back. 所以我从小就知道,被欺负了,即使明知道打不过,也不能平白无故地遭人打骂,也一定要还手。 Resistance and retaliation were ant to let those around know I wasn''''t a pushover and wouldn''''t sily take a beatin. Even if I were just a rabbit, I would fiht back if I''''ve been bullied for no reason. 反抗和还手只想要让周围人知道,我不是软柿子,我不会就白白地挨打受罪,即使我是只兔子,被逼急了,也是咬人的。 Since I was the only one in faly who fouht back when we were bullied, I was the one always left bruised and bloody, and it was always just . 因为我们家别人欺负我们时,只有我一人反抗,所以被别人打得血淋淋的只有我一个,永远也只有我一个人。 Whenever I was beaten to the point of bleedin, I had to let it o because nobody would stand up for or help seek justice. When others in faly were hit, I would confront the aressors, but no one dared to step forward or utter a sound when I was in trouble. I could only place all hopes on children. 被人打得头破血流,都是就这么算了,因为我被打了,没有人帮我主事,没有人帮我讨债还债,别人打了我们家其他人,我去找人论事由,可是我有事了,没有一个人敢出头,没有一个人敢哼一人,我只有把所有的希望都寄托在我的孩子身上。 I ave birth to two boys and a irl. Ah Bao and I often quarreled in our ioverished life and even fouht each other. We were always in conflict because of our strules, and our children suffered alonside us. 我生了两男一女,贫贱夫妇百事哀,因为贫穷,我和阿宝经常吵架,甚至打架;因为日子苦,我们常常闹;因为自己没有能力,孩子也跟着自己苦。 With no proper food to eat, we would roast and crush chili peppers as a keshift al. The children would eat the peppers and et stoch aches, pressin their bellies aainst cold stones to ease the pain. 没有菜吃,只能把