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Chapter 13: Rebirth重生

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I could feel the breath of death and experienced dyin, but sohow, I was still conscious. Was I in the underworld?


I never believed in hosts or fate, so I tried to open eyes. To surprise, I saw a faliar yet unfaliar environnt. It looked like childhood ho!


"Lotus, et up and help fetch so water!" A faliar yet distant voice reached ears.


Had I sheard? The voice sounded just like ther''''s fro ries.


I threw off the blanket and hurried outside, wantin to fiure out what was happenin.


The dilapidated courtyard fro ry appeared before , as well as ther. I watched her bustlin fiure and beca coletely confused. What was oin on?


I noticed hands were not ne but a skinny child''''s. I quickly realized I had returned to eiht-year-old self.


For the next few days, I was in a daze, unable to accept the reality. My hesitation and pause brouht father''''s scoldin and ther''''s helpless sihs.


Reality eventually de accept that I had returned to life as an eiht-year-old. My ther was still alive, siblins were still youn, and I was the eldest dauhter, responsible for helpin parents with chores.


It seed like I had a very lon drea Since the heavens allowed to return with ries, I would not let self repeat traic fate in this life. How could I chane destiny?


Thinkin about life, what breakthrouhs or turnin points could there be?


A splendid fiure appeared in nd – the eccentric, extravaantly dressed won seed to be the only surprise in life. She ht be only chance, hope, and possibility to chane fate. But how could I et her aain?


In previous life, it seed that I had t her at a rket soon after. So now, whenever ther went to the rket, I tried best to follow, hopin to encounter the eccentric,

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