我面前,不是赞美你,还会赞美谁?” “哇!我今日,真是,太幸福了!You a e y he o!你是,我心目中,的大英雄!” “你是我心目中的女神!你还没教我怎么说呢?”耶无害再次问道。 “好说!好说!”珍妮连连说道,“You a e the a pple of y eye!” “You a e the a pple of y eye! You a e the a pple of y eye!”耶无害随着她象鹦鹉学舌一样地重复起来。 “May you be i e .Do you love ?”珍妮小姐望着“野五孩”那可爱又憨厚的模样,情不自禁地用自己的国语说出心底之言。但是,这句直弄得耶无害不知所云。 “珍妮小姐!你在说什么?”耶无害疑惑地问道。 “慢慢的,你会懂得,我在说些,什么。”珍妮接着说道,“I have jt th ee wo ds fo you today :I love you. To the ost ha dso Vale ti e i the wo ld.you have touched y hea t.I will be you s till the e d of ti. Love is all the e is;it akes the wo ld o ou d. It’s ha d to exp ess y eotio s a d affectio s. To y eve lovi ;I a you s fo eve . I will be you Vale ti e,I’ willi to fill the positio . The e is oti so beautiful as the c eatio of a ew life. Wishi you futu e suess a d happi ess. I a eally ck to a f ie d like you. I a thi ki of you as always. I ay ot ofte say it, but I do love you. No dista ce is too eat that ca ot ect. F ie dship is a olde ift che ished above all life’s t easu es. I a so d that we et, Let’s bee close f ie ds. You ca u t o as you close f ie d. I thi k that we will bee close th ouh the yea s. Be y Vale ti e fo eve . Peace o ea th ,ood will towa d . Wishi you a while Ch istas. 我把,我所说,的这些话,写在纸上。希望,有一天,你会,明白,我的意思。”珍妮小姐说完,她的话已跃然纸上,并且递给耶无害。 此时,耶无害接过珍妮小姐所书写下的文字,试探着说道:“你这是给我作的谚语,还是诗词?” “两者都有!你细细,品味吧!我要,告辞了。Goodbye!”珍妮说着,已起身向室外走去。 “好吧!让我来送送你。”于是,耶无害和珍妮小姐一起向屋外行去。恰在这时,只听门外有人高叫道:“公——主——驾——到——” 随着这声音的传来,万花公主已出现在耶无害和珍妮小姐的面前。 “你就是来自荷兰的珍妮小姐?”万花公主打量着珍妮问道。 “