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Chapter 6: Turbulent Childh

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Chapter 6: Turbulent Childhood风雨飘摇的童年生活

I rejected hi My fordable reputation was well-known in the villae, so the youn n didn''''t dare use force.


"Do you want ney? I can ive you ney," he said, pullin out his wallet and offerin cash.


"No, it''''s not about ney. I can''''t do this. It would ruin not only reputation but also yours. It''''s not ood for either of us. Please leave!" I responded.


After hearin words, he left. I struled to understand how a youn n who appeared so entle and refined could do such a thin for a lon ti.


Accordin to the proverb, "You can''''t jude a book by its cover." My uard aainst others radually increased after that. I ca to understand that if I wasn''''t careful, nurous people who appeared to be innocuous y ruin or hurt .


So, we lived our days in hardship. One day, first little sister told she had dropped her clothes on the way back and wanted to pick it up.


We only had a few clothes, which were all tattered and worn. I knew the one sister ntioned was coaratively superior and had fewer patches, so it’s worth pickin up.


"Which way did you co back fro Where do you think you dropped it? I''''ll help you search for it!"


My sister told the route, and I followed it to look for her clothes. Halfway throuh, I encountered an old n frothe villae.


"Grandpa, have you seen sister''''s clothes? She just dropped it on the road."


"I have! I''''ll take you there." The old n''''s eyes sparkled.


So, he led the way, and I followed hias he uided to find sister''''s clothes.


I felt increasinly uneasy as I saw hitake off the path and toward a deserted area.


"Where are we oin?" I asked anxiously, sensin that safety was in jeopardy.


"Just a little further ahead," he replied

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