Chapter 10 : Twilight Years晚
Finally, children rew up, rried, and had children. 好不容易我终于盼到了我自己的孩子们都成家了,生娃了。 Naturally, there were ny hardships and pain alon the way, but I never iined that our sufferin would last a lifeti, all the way until death. 中间自然是受到了很多苦,很多痛,只是我没有想到我们会这样痛苦一生,直到死。 I rried a sile and honest n frothe sa villae, who shared the sa poor backround and lacked support. We started fronothin, had children, and endured countless series. 我嫁给了同村一个老老实实的男人,同样的家境贫寒,同样的无依无靠,我们白手起家,生儿育女,同时也受尽凄凉。 I hoped that children would succeed and pursue a career in acadecs or the ierial exanation, but none enjoyed studyin. My eldest son rried, while second son, afraid of hardships and challenes, ssed the ae for rriae and reined a bachelor. My eldest dauhter-in-law was selfish and refused to contribute to the household expenses while I took care of their child, always tryin to take advantae of us. 我也希望自己的孩子能够成才,我也希望自己的孩子能够考上秀才走上科举之路,我也希望....可是我的孩子们没有一个喜欢学习,大儿子到了婚嫁的年龄娶了妻子,二儿子是个怕苦畏难的,心比天高又没有多少能力的小伙子,上不着天,下不着地,拖着拖着就错过了婚配年龄成了光棍,而大儿媳妇是个自私自利的人,我帮她照顾孩子,半分生活费都不肯出,想方设法地从我们两老儿身上榨取油水。 Althouh there are ny of lovin parents, I have never seen a younster who is rateful. 痴心父母古来多,孝顺儿孙谁见了? On the other hand, younest dauhter was intellient and beautiful, so she t a constable who worked at the local overnnt office. 我的小女儿倒是生得聪明美丽,因此她遇到了一个在衙门工作的捕头。 We were all villae irls, so how could a faly like ours be considered suitable for such a tch? 我们都是乡野村姑,人家怎么能看得上咋们这样的家庭呢? With the falies bein so different in social standin, I feared dauhter would suffer hardships in her rried life. 门不当户不对,我很怕自己的女儿会吃苦。 So I advised dauhter to find soone with a re suitable backround, but she told she didn''''t want to spend her entire life in this ioverished rural area. She wanted a better life, to see a bier world, and to have a brihter future. 于是我劝说女儿找个门当户对差不多的,女儿说她不想在这个贫穷的山野之地过一辈子,她想要一个更好的人生,见更大的世界,有一个更好的未来。 On her weddin day, the rooarrived on a tall, jestic horse to pick up his bride. 她出门的那天,新郎骑着高头大马来迎娶新嫁娘。 With tears in eyes, I entrusted dauhter to hi 我含泪将自己的女儿交给了他。 "I know child has been raised in the countryside and y not be a perfect tch for you. If you ever row tired of her…" “我这个孩子,生在山野之地,长在山野之地,本是配不上你的人,将来若是嫌弃……” "Mother, randparents were also raised in the countryside. Who was born and raised in the county town frothe start? Don''''t worry, and I will